Container Sales
For over thirty years Hamilton Container Services has been supplying shipping containers in a wide variety sizes.
We are a prime supplier of shipping containers, and we provide the highest quality at extremely competitive pricing.
Custom Modifications
Containers can be modified to satisfy a multitude of applications.
From custom storage to buildings, and even swimming pools, our storage containers can be modified to provide the type of space you are looking for. During the design process, we can also add doors, windows, and skylights..
Leasing provides an inexpensive way to get the containers you need at an affordable low monthly rate. Our leasing options allow you to purchase your containers at the end of the lease or return them. We lease new and used standard containers for storage and other applications.
Hamilton has been around the block a few times when it comes to the use of containers and getting them to your site.
We have the resources to have your containers and modifications delivered to your site or you can pick them up.
Hamilton Container Services can act as the original equipment manufacturer for your business’ container needs
We can add your company logo onto the sides and/or paint your container to the desired color scheme.
Chassis Refurbishment
One of Hamilton’s specialties is chassis refurbishment and rebuild. New chassis can cost up to $20,000, even a used chassis can be $10,000 or more. Hamilton can take your existing chassis and make them like new again. We strip the chassis down to the raw metal, make any structural repairs and then reassemble with new hoses, brakes, wheels, hardware, and lighting. The units come out looking brand new at a substantial savings.
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