One of our specialities is converting Shipping Containers into Military and Urban training compounds
Wally Hansan, the owner & president of Hamilton Container Services, served in the US Marine Corp and understands the special skills in developing real life scenarios for training facilities. We have built compounds in Ft. Hood, Ft. Campbell, Camp Pendleton, Camp Atterbury, and even as far as Serbia for their Army.
Our officers need to be trained with special skills, and scenarios to give them that edge in the everyday workplace. – Wally Hansan
There are many applications for modified containers for use within the military and urban agencies. Containers can be used to simulate things such as urban areas and specific building designs. They can be designed and organized to provide urban warfare training, fire training, escape plans, and other special training needs.
Military Training
Containers can be the idea structure used to simulate urban areas. They can be arranged for specific requirements and moved due to their portability.
Specialized storage of government equipment or supplies. Containers can used to transport key items across the globe
Test and Repair / Labs
Containers can be used as field laboratories or as portable field service repair stations
Due to the size and protection qualities containers provide, they make the ideal solution for building out living accommodations for workers, soldiers, or quarantined individuals
Check Points
Containers can be outfitted with pass through openings that allow for access control equipment to be utilized in secure areas
Miscellaneous applications
These include ,energy, water purification, solar power, communications
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